Crédito Infonavit

A new home is always a dream that generates great illusion and an important ally to fulfill this is the Infonavit credit. But do you know how this financing works?

So that you know a little more, we leave you the first part of some important points that will help you better understand how it is executed and what you need to know to start your request.

The resources that Infonavit uses to grant the credits come from the
contributions made by workers through employers and recoveries
of credits granted to other employees.

In order to access the Infonavit mortgage loan, you must have an active employment relationship and be affiliated with the IMSS, making the corresponding contributions.

As a requirement, you must meet a minimum score of 116 points, which is classified according to your age and base salary contribution, your savings in the housing subaccount, bimonthly continuous contribution with the same or different patterns and behavior of the payment of the company’s contributions. Normally a worker takes between 2 and a half years to 3 years to collect the 116 points.

We recommend that you always consult all your doubts regarding your credit with specialized advisers who can guide you regarding the process of initiating the procedure and the follow up on it, and of course, approach your employer in case you have doubts about the contributions that your company makes.

At Javer we are experts in real estate advice and we would love to accompany you in the process of buying your new home. Do you want more information? We will advise! Are you ready?
