Unamos créditos

“Unamos Créditos” allows Infonavit beneficiaries to pool their financing with several people.

Are you still waiting for the amount of your credit to increase to complete the house of your dreams? Are you thinking of marrying your partner to join their credits? You no longer have to wait to buy your house!

Infonavit will start up new plans this year to access its mortgage credits. One of them is the “Unamos Creditos” program.

What is the “Unamos Creditos” program?

Esta es una nueva modalidad que permite a los beneficiarios del Infonavit juntar su financiamiento con varias personas. Este programa tiene como objetivo permitir que los derechohabientes tengan acceso a un mayor monto para adquirir una vivienda más grande. Con estas modificaciones se espera que miles de trabajadores en México se vean beneficiados.

¿Quiénes pueden entrar en este programa?

The beneficiaries who can process their financing together with all
those who are registered with the IMSS and have not yet exercised their mortgage credit. The persons making the request may or may not have a legal relationship. This means that family, friends, and same-sex partners can apply to this program. It is important to emphasize that it is a recently created program, so it is likely that Adjustments will still arise.

What are the advantages of using joint credits?

  • Users have the possibility of accessing better housing options.
  • This is a legal and safe alternative to build wealth together without having to be married.
  • People can buy a house in less time.
  • This type of financing has a lesser impact on the finances of the
    people, since the amounts of the payments are usually smaller.

people, since the amounts of the payments are usually smaller. The program has been in force since the beginning of the year, however, the unions of financing will take place little by little. At the beginning it will only be possible to gather two credits, and will be increased one a year, until reaching five financings.

This new plan is, without a doubt, a great opportunity for all those
that do not reach the necessary amount to buy the house they want. However, being that this is a financial agreement, it is essential that people analyze their situation and that of their potential co-borrowers.

At Javer we advise you without obligation so that you can resolve all your doubts and have your new house as quickly as possible. We would love to accompany you in the process!
