Premio Javer Sustentable 2019

The second edition of the “Premio Javer Sustentable 2019” contest was a success. Held on April 24th, this event was held in Pabellón M, in which the community was invited to make a proposal with the theme “Sustainable Urban Furniture”, taking advantage of waste from housing construction.

The aim of the award is to create growth opportunities for young people, and support the creation of value-added projects for the Casas Javer developments.

During the event, Pasman Mancilla Méndez, director of
Engineering in Sustainable Development at Tecnológico de Monterrey; by
Casas JAVER attended René Martínez Martínez, General Director; Felipe de Jesus Loera Reyna, Director of Administration and Finance; Sandra Patricia González, Director of Information technologies; José Carlos Garza Muñoz, Commercial Director; Jose Juan González, Director of Planning and Corporate Responsibility; Fernando Salvador Lozano, Director of Human Resources; Héctor Villanueva, Director of Internal Audit; andOliverio De La Garza Ugarte, Legal Director, who made up the jury of the event.

Four finalist teams presented their projects to the jury,
the winners were the students of the University of Monterrey Fátima Guadalupe Ócadiz Hernández, Humberto Rodríguez González and Elihú Guillermo Rocha Elizondo, with their proposal for a sustainable bus stop called “EcoStop”.

The team members each got an iPad and recognition for their
job; Furthermore, their project will be implemented with the support of Casas Javer in a division of the company. This, following the dynamics of the first edition of the award in which the winning team developed a proposal for the redesign of the nursery Valle de Santa Elena subdivision, which is now 100% implemented.

In this way, these efforts are made jointly to achieve a positive impact for the community and support the development of a more sustainable society.

It is expected that with awards like this the joint effort of the private sector and the university community can achieve a positive impact on the community, supporting the development of a more sustainable society.
